What to expect

Welcome to Southpoint!

We are a multicultural church with over 25 different countries represented at any given meeting. We understand that its always challenging attending a church for the first time, so we are here to give you a glimpse of what to expect when you connect with us.

When are the services?

For Times and Location click here

We meet every Saturday at 10:30 am for our Sabbath School, and 11:30 am for our Worship Service. Our Sabbath School is an opportunity to study the Bible, to ask questions and fellowship. The Worship Service is also called Divine hour, that is when we sing, give and listen to a sermon/message from the speaker.

Here's some information that should help:

Prayer service

For Times and Location click here

What should I wear?

You'll see everything from jeans to suits to traditional cultural attire. You get the idea, come as you are.

How do I get there?

3208 Herring Road Jacksonville, FL, 32216-5841

Any other questions?

Was there something we forgot? Feel free to call 904-448-4030 if you need any more information. We hope to see you soon!

What happens when I arrive?

We'll have ample parking space for you to arrive, then usually you'll see two people standing at the front door, they are called greeters. They are the "information center" for your church experience, ask them anything and they'll do everything in their power to answer your questions, and always with a smile, just because they love meeting new people.

What's service like?

In one word, relevant. We talk about current issues that affect us daily, using the Bible as our road map as to how to deal with the many road blocks in life.

Each Worship Service is from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Our pastor Sebastian Lopez starts by welcoming all of us and praying inviting God's presence. Then the children rush to the pulpit to participate in the Children's Story time. Followed by our opportunity to give in support of all the social justice causes happening locally and internationally as well. We then are invited to pray as a community, and you are more than welcome to participate by praying the way you feel most comfortable in. Our praise team then leads us in song followed by a 30-45min sermon/message by our pastor, or the day's speaker. Don't forget to take notes, these message are super relevant!